Fill a bag. Feed a family.
Pakachoag Church is currently distributing special bags for a food drive to help Auburn Youth and Family Services and the Quinsigamond Village Community Center provide for local families in need during the holiday season. Each brown paper bag comes with a list of requested non-perishable food items, and the church will be collecting filled bags through November 18.
Our intention for this project is to provide a community service activity that is accessible to people of all ages, including families who would like to involve their children in giving back to the community.
How to participate
PICK UP YOUR BAG from the Pakachoag Church from the church office anytime between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- FILL YOUR BAG with items from the recommended list. If you have children, bring them with you to the store, and encourage them to help with selecting items to place into the bag.
- RETURN YOUR FILLED BAG to the church, either at our in-gathering event on November 18 at 12:00 p.m. to celebrate the joy of giving and help sort the items for delivery, or simply drop off your filled bag at the church office by Friday, November 16.
Help us help our community!
Questions? Call our church office at 508-755-8718 or send us an email.