Welcome to Pakachoag Church

203 Pakachoag St. | Auburn, MA
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Sunday Services

We currently meet for worship and service on the first Sunday of each month at 10am

About Us

Pakachoag Church is a non-denominational church grounded in New England Congregationalism

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In the Moment

Minister’s Blog

Call Everyone Lucky

Many years on into ministry, as I read and reread the Easter accountings – and they do vary from Gospel to Gospel – and mull on the details, I can only conclude that the evident miracle of Jesus’ rising from the dead is not the central point of these tales, as much as...

Lenten Meditation

There was a television series titled “The Naked City” that ran from the late 1950s to the early 1960s that was based on a 1940s movie of that name.  It followed the same semi-documentary format as the movie, including the refrain spoken at the end of each episode,...

Are Walls the Answer?

Introduced as a major proposal during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and now continuing into the actual administration of Donald Trump, the construction of a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico stands as an unsettled, and unsettling, issue. The...