Sunday Services
We currently meet for worship and service on the first Sunday of each month at 10am
About Us
Pakachoag Church is a non-denominational church grounded in New England Congregationalism
Upcoming Events
In the Moment
Minister’s Blog
Ghost Towns
As you are aware by now, the building is empty day to day, save for my routine visits, so various bits of news may...
Embracing the “Other”
As the leader of a caring, spiritual community, I feel called to offer words in response to the mass shooting that occurred in New Zealand a few days ago. Frankly, it is a struggle to bring forward expressions of solace, reassurance, and comfort given that this...
Tuttle and Veterans Memorials
Tuttle and Veterans Memorials Auburn MA November 12, 2018 Written by Dennis Knight, Pakachoag Church Whether stone or wood, steel or brick, bronze or cement, no monument is as anything apart from the ones whom it memorializes, for it is the lives of service and...
Prayer for Chester P. Tuttle
Chester P. Tuttle Gravesite Hillside Cemetery, Auburn MA November 1, 2018 Written by Dennis Knight, Pakachoag Church Oh God, for whom time is a circle and who joins all things past and present and yet to come under the mantle of one watchful, knowing eye, we...