Welcome to Pakachoag Church

203 Pakachoag St. | Auburn, MA
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Sunday Services

We currently meet for worship and service on the first Sunday of each month at 10am

About Us

Pakachoag Church is a non-denominational church grounded in New England Congregationalism

Upcoming Events


In the Moment

Minister’s Blog

Reflections on the current crisis

The current situation with Covid-19 is one that few if any of us, and no one at this scale, have experienced in our lifetimes, and certainly presents challenges of many kinds with which we are not practiced. This crisis has erupted with what seems like close to no...

Connected in Grief, by Rev. Dennis Knight

  Some news overshadows all other events in the moment, and for those in the Worcester area that was the case today with the word of a fire and related death in the nearby Quinsigamond neighborhood, just over the hill from Pakachoag. The tale of brave fire...

Easter Every Day, Everywhere

Easter establishes its own context as it represents the culmination of the Christian story, and in that regard presents a particular challenge to any preacher. It is the day that asks the most from any of us who would mount a pulpit. The notion of Jesus’ resurrection...